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Off-Leash Visits

What's Different About an Off-Leash Team?

Working with your pet on one of our off-leash visits is a different experience from working with your pet on-leash. While you may attend an off leash visit and keep your pet on leash, you and your pet must still attend the off leash evaluation class prior to beginning visits on an off leash team. Even though Furry Friends does not specifically require obedience training, basic obedience skills are a must for a pet to have success on an off-leash visit, whether they are on leash, or not.

Off-Leash Visits.jpg

What Behavior Is Required For My Pet to Join an Off-Leash Team? 

At a minimum, dogs attending off-leash visits must be proficient at coming when called. While we obviously would expect a dog to be quick to respond to a "come" command from their owner, a dog must still come when called by a friendly stranger. 

Beyond coming when called, other expectations for the dogs include:

  • General responsiveness to commands (sit, down, drop it, leave it, etc.) 

  • An ability to get along well with other dogs off-leash (deference displayed, no overt plays for dominance such as mounting) 

  • An ability to get along with cats 

  • No excessive barking 

  • No aggression displayed toward other animals or people 

  • No resource guarding of shared toys 

  • Appropriate play/not overly rambunctious, domineering, bullying etc. 

  • Greater interest in interacting with people than the other animals 

These expectations for the pets, as well as the expectations for the human handlers, will be reviewed in detail during the class. 

How to Join An Off-Leash Team

Prior to joining one of the off-leash teams, you and your pet must be existing Furry Friends members and participating in visits. An additional off-leash evaluation class is also required. 

Is There A Cost For The Off-Leash Evaluation Class? 

The cost for the evaluation per pet is $50. ALL handlers who are attending and handling the pet must be current Furry Friends members. ALL pets must be currently registered with Furry Friends. If you are bringing more than one pet to be evaluated with only one handler, please make sure to bring a crate to put the other pet in during your evaluation. 

How Long Is The Class? 

Approximately 1½ hours in length. Please make sure to show up on time for the class. If you are late to class, you may be asked to retake the class the next time it is offered. 

Off-Leash Class Sign Up and Schedule

Below is the sign-up for Off-Leash classes offered to Furry Friends volunteers. If your dog has already been approved for Furry Friends off-leash visits, they do NOT need to attend this class! This is for members who wish to join an off-leash team and have not completed the off-leash class. 


Class Fees

There is a $50 per person fee for this class. Please pay the fee via PayPal or send a check to Furry Friends. The address for the class will be sent upon paid registration. Deadline for paid registration is one week prior to the class date. Class size will be limited to 15 pets.  Class Request Confirmations are mailed no sooner than two weeks prior to the class. If the class you select is full, we will schedule you for the next available class. 

Off-Leash Sign Up and Schedule 8/2019

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